University Credits


Íbero TESOL Course and Fort Hays State University


Fort Hays State University acknowledges the ÍBERO TEFL International course with the option of three credits. Fort Hays State University’s English as a Second Language Program is regionally accredited by the prestigious North Central Association for Colleges and Schools, in the USA.

Fort Hays State University acknowledges the Íbero TEFL International course with the option of three credits. Fort Hays State University’s English as a Second Language Program is regionally accredited by the prestigious North Central Association for Colleges and Schools, in the USA. TEFL International graduates can receive three undergraduate credits for completing this course for a small additional payment. This TEFL course is currently taught in various TEFL International centers around the world. Fort Hays State University provides ongoing validation to all these TEFL TESOL centers around the world through continued review of the program on an annual basis.

The focus of the review is comprised of the following:

1-         Course content

2-         Site visits to all international centers

3-         Faculty credentials

4-         Student satisfaction surveys

5-         Annual inspection and materials evaluation


Fort Hays State University, English as a Second Language Program, confirms that the TEFL International and Íbero TEFL Argentina TESOL in-house course meet all generally accepted international standards. As such, all TEFL graduates from these programs are found to be competent and qualified candidates as EFL Instructors.